Friday, December 25, 2015

How Do You Feel About Those Christmas Letters?

I have never sent a seasonal summary of family life.  I received my first one when I was 23.  Receiving an impersonal letter, rather than a personal one, ended that friendship.  But that was long ago in a province far away.  I was less accepting then.  I now see the benefits of efficiently giving an update of our many human struggles and joys to a large number of people whom we care about and whom we hope care about us in return.

Two years ago, I did write this and posted it only on Hubski.  I'll post it here today.  It's for all of you:  

or the joy and frustration of caring for and being cared for by so many people over time.

Dear . . .
I think of you more than you know.  I especially think of you this time of year and almost reach out.  I don't write annual update letters or send seasonal cards.  I don't even have a mailing list of friends and loved ones.  I do have a photo album of you in my head; and as I write this, I am thinking of you.
I'm not even sure where you are or where I am.  If I was on Facebook, then at least I could -- what's the expression? tickle you? -- oh yeah, poke, I could poke you.  You could poke me back -- but I participate very lightly in that club.
Since I am thinking of you now, I want to wish you as much satisfaction and happiness in your life as you can carry.  I heard that your mom or grandfather or sister died last year, and I thought of you then as well.  I remembered the times we hung out and all the times I visited your family.
It's been a hard year for you, but you know and I know that things are hard, and then they get better.  Then they get bad again, then they get better, sometimes much better, then bad again.  Maybe we can plateau for a few years - that's nice.  We can raise a family or be creative.  Those are wonderful times. Then they're over.  New times begin.  Along the way, we hope we can do something useful, help others, and generally move in the direction of goodness.
We lose touch with one another, but I still think of you.  More than you know.  

1 comment:

  1. I like to hear about my friends' successes and accomplishments. Also, I believe our culture is much too Puritanical in its prohibitions around boasting. Sure, constant boasting can be tiresome, but I think a once-a-year window of opportunity is entirely reasonable. (By the way, I enjoyed your gently ironic "anti"-Christmas letter.)
